- outreach and awareness-raising work with women of various Subjects of the Russian Federation on the cancer prevention;
- holding promotions, seminars, lectures, and master classes for medical workers of various Subjects of the Russian Federation in order to promote early diagnosis and prevention of oncological diseases;
- development and implementation of regional and federal programs aimed at reducing mortality and morbidity from malignant neoplasms;
- cooperation with government, profit and non-profit Russian and international organizations for the prevention of socially significant diseases.
The Foundation has implemented successful projects for the implementation of screening programs in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tver, Rostov and Moscow regions, aimed at preventing sach a serious disease as cervical cancer. The Foundation has conducted system training programs, master classes, and seminars for doctors and patients of the Krasnodar Territory, Bryansk, Tambov, Rostov, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Vologda regions and Republic of Bashkortostan, involving leading experts from different countries and Russian Federation.
Since March 2018, Foundation became the Official Partner of
The International Society for HPV (Human Papillomavirus) in holding the World Day Against HPV in Russia for the first time, within which free medical consultations were carried out in more than 30 Federation subjects, 10 000 instructional leaflets were distributed, an interview to the federal channel TV Center was given, more than 50 online publications were made, with the support from local authorities.