
Social Programs Development Foundation was founded in 2014 in order to develop, support and implement socially important programs that would address and facilitate crucial Health Care Sector issues. Mission of our Foundation is to protect health of citizens, to promote and support healthy lifestyle, draw attention to the women's reproductive health which is a cornerstone both of successful motherhood and future of a whole nation. We also concentrate on awareness of early diagnostics and prevention of cancer with a goal to reduce mortality and morbidity. Well-being of the family and demographic situation of the country in general depend on women's health. Healthy nation is a healthy family!

According to the Act of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 "National objectives and strategic development goals of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024", Social Programs Development Foundation develops and implements projects for the prevention and early diagnosis of cervical cancer, breast cancer, colorectal cancer, and other socially important ontological diseases.
Благотворительный Фонд Развития Социальных Программ

Main activities of the Foundation

  • outreach and awareness-raising work with women of various Subjects of the Russian Federation on the cancer prevention;
  • holding promotions, seminars, lectures, and master classes for medical workers of various Subjects of the Russian Federation in order to promote early diagnosis and prevention of oncological diseases;
  • development and implementation of regional and federal programs aimed at reducing mortality and morbidity from malignant neoplasms;
  • cooperation with government, profit and non-profit Russian and international organizations for the prevention of socially significant diseases.

The Foundation has implemented successful projects for the implementation of screening programs in the Republic of Bashkortostan, Tver, Rostov and Moscow regions, aimed at preventing sach a serious disease as cervical cancer. The Foundation has conducted system training programs, master classes, and seminars for doctors and patients of the Krasnodar Territory, Bryansk, Tambov, Rostov, Kaliningrad, Novgorod, Vologda regions and Republic of Bashkortostan, involving leading experts from different countries and Russian Federation.
Since March 2018, Foundation became the Official Partner of The International Society for HPV (Human Papillomavirus) in holding the World Day Against HPV in Russia for the first time, within which free medical consultations were carried out in more than 30 Federation subjects, 10 000 instructional leaflets were distributed, an interview to the federal channel TV Center was given, more than 50 online publications were made, with the support from local authorities.

  • More Than 10 Creative Years of Activity
    We hosted 5 annual International HPV Awareness Days. We participated in Non State Actors consultations for the development of the WHO Roadmap to accelerate the elimination of Cervical Cancer as a public health problem by 2030. We are the strategic partner of International Papillomavirus Society (IPVS) in Russia and Central Asian Countries
  • More than 20 000 physicians in Russia and Central Asian Countries attended lectures of our Charitable Foundation
    on practical realization of various cervical screening programs in Russia
  • 6 realized cervical screening programs
    In Trver Region, in Rostov Region, in Kaliningrad Region, in the Republic of Bashkortostan, in the Republic of Mordovia and in the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • More than 300 000 women were protected from cervical cancer
    More that 5 000 000 people were informed about how to protect themselves from HPV induced cancers during educational program of HPV International Awareness Day

Latest Fondation News

Realization of Cervical Screening Program
Social Programs Development Charity Foundation was rewarded with the Letter of Commendation by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan for the help in realization of the cervical screening program in the capital of Bashkortostan, Ufa. 30 000 women in Ufa were able to test themselves and undergo free-of-charge HPV-testing in one year period. As a result of this screening, women with pre-cancerous lesions and women with early cancer stages have been detected and duly treated, so these women were saved, since cervical cancer was prevented while millions of budget funds have been saved too.
International HPV Awareness Day
International HPV Awareness Day was hosted on an incredible large scale this year! Successful educational conference with participation of top National experts was broadcasted to all regions of Russian Federation and many of Central Asian countries. Simultaneously, 10 live regional conferences for the doctors were organized. With active participation of physicians volunteers several thousand educational leaflets were distributed on the streets and in medical institutions. Extensive PR action was carried out in social media and an educational web site created.
Director of Social Programs Development Charity Foundation, Member of IPVS (International Papillomavirus Society) Advocacy Committee, Member of SQIL Program of Harvard Medical School, Invited Speaker of EUROGIN (European Association on Genital Infections and Neoplasia), Expert on Healthcare of Strategic Initiatives Agency

119049, 1st Spasonalivkovskiy Lane, bld. 19, Office IX, Moscow, Russia